If Freemasonry isn’t your only hobby, find out about Special Interest Lodges, where an interest in Freemasonry is blended with sports, hobbies or other interests.
Meet the Science Fiction & Fantasy Lodge, the Formula 1 Lodge, the Nomads Rugby Lodge and Craft Beer/Horus Lodge and find out about the world of Special Interest Lodges. You could join one, or you could found one?
• Science Fiction and Fantasy Lodge, No 10015 – SciFi fandom and Fantasy at its very heart – W Bro Mike Santopietro
• Formula 1 Lodge, No 4168 – All things Formula 1 and Motorsports. Formula One – W Bro Daniel Graham
• Nomads Rugby Lodge, No 10015 – The Official Rugby Lodge in the Province of Derbyshire – Bro Chris Tandy
• Horus Lodge, No 3155 – The Craft Beer Lodge from from the Masonic Craft Beer Society – W Bro Neil Marshall
Go to https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/4016792585795/WN_lXWKfsfyTmSHLkMfhiDujg#/registration to register for your place to attend this Zoom meeting on 18 April 19:30 (BST)